"Whoever pursues Godliness and unfailing love
will find life, Godliness and honor."

Proverbs 21:21

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


So it has been about a month... and I have been lazy/busy/ I just don't know what to do with this anymore. It isn't that I don't want to write I just don't know what to write. I am beginning to feel like this is turning into a journal. That wasn't exactly my intention. Maybe if I add a few more videos and pictures it will be more exciting?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Favorite Engagement Picture :)

Sorry I just need to say I love this man :)

It Has Been Awhile...

So April was crazy and fast and May has slowly slipped away from me. In an attempt to reclaim it I am making a vow to myself that I am going to post at least once a week to try and channel some of my enegry that I am wasting on other silly things like cleaning :)

I have been busy trying to tie off ends with wedding plans and things we need to have like car insurance. Also job searching is sort of like look for buried treasure. I think I've found it and it turns out to be fool's gold. Prayers are appreciated and also questions. I have found that I try to brain dump too much. I want to write about things that are important and relevant to you and every now and then I will go on a personal theological or spiritual rampage but this thing really has no purpose if it is speaking to something that a reader needs. So Ask Away!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Things I Love

God- theology class is overwhelming me and the Holy Spirit is teaching me what repentance really is.

Aaron- my fiance is trying so hard to break down the barriers that have formed in his life. He is discovering the true meaning of consecration.

Sunshine- I wore flip-flops today!!!! The sun warmed my face for the first time in a loonngg time :)

Adele- new British singer. She is lovely and fresh. I love the beats.

Blaise Pascal- A true man of God. A rational and logical thinker but he found the need for emotion and the heart in religion.

Turbo Kick- Bud Bence came in tonight and did a short video for FNL. He dressed up and "led" warm-ups. I laughed so hard I almost peed.

Homiletics- My classmates are giving amazing sermons. God is moving through them and we are all being blessed.

Grace- I am discovering just how big and wide and deep God's grace goes. It is bigger than the sin in my life, wider than the distance I feel from salvation and deeper than any place darkness can hide in my heart.

Thank you God for this wonderful life you have given me. The places I have gone with and without you brought me inevitably back to your loving and powerful arms. Although brokenness is still present you have given me peace. Thank you for all the gifts you give everyday. The love of family and friends. The dedication of professors. The sun and the moon and the greatest invention of mankind- hazelnut lattes :) I love you Abba, you rock my world everyday!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Super Bowl instead of Church

Well I know we weren't the only church affected by the snowpacalypse, but it was still a strange Sunday. This is the first time that I can remember that morning worship was canceled. It may have been a sign because I was supposed to be the liturgist.... I don't know if that is good or bad. I was relieved though becasue I picked up a cold on Friday I still can't really talk so maybe that was God working for me a bit :) Anyhow I feel kinda strange not going to church but just laying around the house all day being sicky and stuff and then watching a football game for 4 hours. Is that holy? I almost feel like it could be a sin. Okay not really but the halftime show... interesting as it was actually made me make a theological connection.

The black eyed peas did a brief rendition of the song that made them famous. Where is the Love?? While Will.I.Am changed some of the words it still had the same fundamental message. This is where I found my connection. Do I have to risk killing myself for church to get love for the day? Can I be achy and sneezing around my house and watch football and get love? Is the church the place we feel most loved all the time? Can we spend half a day with friends and family, eating and watching America's favorite sport and still feel lonely?

Yes and No. What matters the most is not where you are but what the intentions are of what you do and who you are with. We didn't have worship this morning but I still found love in time with my family. I find Christ in every action of love that promotes my relationship with Him and with others. I could be at church all day sometimes and not feel love. That is my fault and also sometimes the fault of the people in the church. She is the bride of Christ but she is messed up. We have to work to make sure that everything we do promotes love of God and love of others. BUT the point is we can do that no matter where we are. Plus, sometimes is is nice to sleep in and shake the routine up. The seventh day is for rest anyways, God said so :)

GO GREEN BAY!!! (they are currently trying to let the Steelers win... )

I'm Glad We Didn't Have A Snow Day

Here in Indiana we were all waiting for the blizzard to hit around 7 pm last night. 18 inches by Wednesday. Ice and freezing rain and sleet. Yucky yucky stuff. Well it came but not nearly as bad as we had all thought it would. Needless to say those of us lazy students and or the ones who hate walking in the bitter cold at 7:50 in the morning were praying for a snow day. When I got up this morning after 6 hours of sleep I knew in my gut it didn't happened but I checked anyways. I didn't realize at that drowsy moment how happy I would be that I did make my way out of bed and into the classroom.

Myself and many other students on this campus, especially those in the Ministry and Religion department have the great privilege of being taught by Dr. Bud Bence. He is absolutely one of the coolest, funniest, wisest, and most vulnerable people I have ever met. We have a ton of awesome profs but this man has challenged me so much and I dare say more so than any other.

I will have to work on putting his lecture into a post. I can't do it justice right now. I guess the whole point was just to give a shout-out to Dr. Bence. I never thought that my life could be changed at 7:50 in the morning in a church history class, but that just proves that God works when God wants to work. He makes even the coldest winter mornings worth waking up for :)